ETH Link with additional departure times

Owing to the large number of passengers, during the autumn semester 2016 an additional bus will also be running as ETH Link on a trial basis.

The ETH Link at the Hönggerberg stop
This is the shuttle bus that links ETH’s two main sites in Zurich.

From 19 September to 23 December 2016 there will be an additional bus to make the trip between the Zentrum and H?nggerberg campuses easier. As well as the normal departure times of x.14, x.34 and x.54, during the autumn semester the ETH Link will also leave Zentrum at x.04 and H?nggerberg at x.44. Unlike the buses in use at the moment, the additional vehicle will for the time being remain without branding apart from the ETH Zurich logo on the back. A decision on whether or not to continue the trial will be taken after the end of the semester.

In addition, the first four buses from H?nggerberg (7.30, 7.40, 7.50 and 8.10 am) will also carry on after Zentrum to Zurich Central Station.

For more information and the new timetables, please see the ETH Link website.

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